
2022, Towels and metal

The towers of neatly folded towels, burp cloths and flannels
are stacked metres high. The bright colours of the washcloths
can in no way conceal the nerve-racking thought of never-
ending housework. In her artistic work, Angelina Seibert
deals with her personal role as a mother of three children. The
challenge of running a household as a mother of three and at
the same time, working as an independent artist, opens up a
broad spectrum of experiences of adversity, barriers and pol-
itics for Angelina Seibert, from which she draws upon artisti-
With multimedia works and performances, in which she
often works with the motif of repetition, the exercise of main-
tenance work or the involvement of her family as actors, she
makes the realities of housework, care work and education
visible: What does it mean to be a good housewife, mother and
at the same time a good artist? What expectations must you
live up to? What protocol does one have to follow? Which of
our own patterns and traumas accompany us and how are
these passed on to the next generation?

The towers of neatly folded towels, burp cloths and flannels
are stacked metres high. The bright colours of the washcloths
can in no way conceal the nerve-racking thought of never-
ending housework. In her artistic work, Angelina Seibert
deals with her personal role as a mother of three children. The
challenge of running a household as a mother of three and at
the same time, working as an independent artist, opens up a
broad spectrum of experiences of adversity, barriers and pol-
itics for Angelina Seibert, from which she draws upon artisti-
With multimedia works and performances, in which she
often works with the motif of repetition, the exercise of main-
tenance work or the involvement of her family as actors, she
makes the realities of housework, care work and education
visible: What does it mean to be a good housewife, mother and
at the same time a good artist? What expectations must you
live up to? What protocol does one have to follow? Which of
our own patterns and traumas accompany us and how are
these passed on to the next generation?

Kunsthaus Dresden

Angelina Seibert

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