Etwas Ausbaden Performance

BIAS FLINTA projects room in cooperation with Darius Sidlauskas ( ART DASS), Dresden

Two people running around in a circle for over an hour. One person is marching from bucket to bucket filled with mud and dirt, while the other person is cleaning the mess from behind only for it to be walked over again. The cycle continues. The two people in the room are loud. The marching is almost like a machine, pounding away. The person cleaning is sighing from exhustion and breathing heavily due to the cleaning effort. Both people to tired from the marching and the cleaning but continue on. The person doing the cleaning is hanging up the sheets used, creating a barrier, a wall. Viewers can no longer see the people caught cleaning and marching. Etwas Ausbaden is german for to take the blame, to pay for it. While upon hearing the phrase, I noticed how odd it is that it has something to do with the dirty bath water. I learned that families in the past shared a bath. The man of the house would go first to bathe in the clean water, and so on the heirarchy of the family had to bathe in the dirty water of who came before. The one who is last, normally the slave child who bears the brunt and has to also clean the bath at the end. This system, is still very much how we structure our lives around still, and it is us, who have to pay for it and pour out the dirty water.